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a) Q & A 1
b) Q & A 2
c) Q & A 3
d) Q & A 4
e) Q & A 5
f) Q & A 6
G) Q & A 7
H) Q & A 8
I) Q & A 9
J) Q & A 10
1. c
2. d
3. d
4. b
5. b
6. d
7. c
8. c
9. b
10. b
11. a
12. a
13. b
14. b
15. c
16. a
17. d
18. a
19. b
20. d
21. d
22. c
23. a
24. d
25. a
26. a
27. b
28. c
29. d
30. a
1. What does the “B” setting found on the camera’s command dial allow the photographer to do?
a. Record flash exposures
b. Blocks light from entering the camera
c. Keeps the shutter open as long as the shutter button is pressed
d. Is the exposure compensation button
2. With all else equal, which shutter speed is better able to stop-motion?
a. 4 s
b. ¼ of a second
c. 1/40th of a second
d. 1/400th of a second
3. The photographer accurately meters an exposure at ISO 200, f/5.6, for 1/500th of a second. The photographer wishes to bracket the exposure by adding one stop of light. What would be the new exposure values?
a. ISO 400, f/5.6, for 1/500th of a second
b. ISO 200, f/4.0, for 1/500th of a second
c. ISO 200, f/5.6, for 1/250th of a second
d. All of the above
4. Depth of field extends ________ to the front and ________ to the rear of the point of focus.
a. ¼ to the front–¾ to the rear
b. ⅓ to the front–⅔ to the rear
c. ½ to the front–½ to the rear
d. 1 to the front–1 to the rear
5. An aperture of f/8 allows twice as much light as f/16 to enter the camera.
a. True
b. False
6. Which ISO value is the most sensitive to light?
a. ISO 100
b. ISO 400
c. ISO 800
d. ISO 3200
7. What is a stop of light?
a. Aperture value
b. “f” number
c. One-half or twice the next full value of light
d. Exposure compensation
8. Which value is one stop less light than provided by an aperture f/8?
a. f/2.0
b. f/4.0
c. f/11
d. f/16
9. Which value allows three more stops of light into the camera than provided by an ISO 100 setting?
a. ISO 300
b. ISO 800
c. ISO 1200
d. ISO 1600
10. A photographer accurately meters an exposure at ISO 400, f/16, for 1/500th of a second. A minus ten (−10) stop neutral density filter is added to the camera’s lens. What are the resulting exposure values to record an equal or reciprocal exposure?
a. ISO 100, f/2.8, for 1 s
b. ISO 400, f/16, for 2 s
c. ISO 800, f/16, for ½ of a second
d. All of the above
11. Which shutter speed is five stops slower than 1/60th of a second?
a. ½ of a second
b. 1/20th of a second
c. 1/300th of a second
d. None of the above
12. A camera’s light meter attempts to find a/an __________ gray value as a light-balanced exposure.
a. 18%
b. 25%
c. 33%
d. 50%
13. Which aperture allows three stops more light into the camera than f/16?
a. f/2.8
b. f/5.6
c. f/11
d. f/32
14. An ISO value of 400 allows twice as much light as ISO 800 to enter the camera.
a. True
b. False
15. What does the camera search for when auto focusing?
a. The center of the composition
b. The point allowing the best depth of field
c. The first subject identified in the composition
d. Brightest part of the composition
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16. Which aperture allows the most light into the camera?
a. f/1.8
b. f/5.6
c. f/16
d. f/32
17. A photographer accurately meters a nighttime exposure at ISO 100, f/4.0, for 1 second. However, the photographer needs to stop-motion with a faster shutter speed. Which would be an equal or reciprocal exposure?
a. ISO 400, f/22, for 1/60th of a second
b. ISO 800, f/8, for 1/15th of a second
c. ISO 1600, f/4, for 1/500th of a second
d. ISO 3200, f/2.0, for 1/125th of a second
18. A photographer is photographing in black and white and wishes to adjust the contrast by lightening the composition’s red background. Which coloured filter would work best?
a. Red
b. Green
c. Blue
d. Any of the above
19. Which piece of equipment must be used when photographing night time scenes?
a. A film camera
b. Tripod
c. Polarizing filter
d. All of the above
20. When the shutter button is depressed, what is the camera going to do?
a. Focus
b. Meter the light
c. Record the exposure
d. All of the above
21. With all else equal, which aperture provides the best depth of field?
a. f/2.8
b. f/8
c. f/11
d. f/22
22. A photographer is recording a black-and-white image and wishes to darken the blue background found in the composition. Which colored filter would be the best choice?
a. Yellow
b. Orange
c. Red
d. Blue
23. A photographer accurately meters a composition’s light to be ISO 400, f/4.0, for 1/60th of a second. However, the photographer wishes to record a longer exposure. What would be an equal or reciprocal exposure and allows for a longer exposure?
a. ISO 100, f/22, for 2 s
b. ISO 200, f/1.8, for 4 s
c. ISO 400, f/22, for 4 s
d. ISO 400, f/16, for 8 s
24. Which ISO possesses the most distracting noise or grain in an image?
a. ISO 100
b. ISO 400
c. ISO 800
d. ISO 3200
25. A shutter speed of 1/250th of a second allows twice as much light as 1/500th of a second to enter the camera.
a. True
b. False
26. What are the variables of exposure that are comparesd to apples and oranges?
a. Apertures, shutter speeds, and ISO values
b. Apertures, ISO values, and white balance
c. Shutter speeds and EV (Exposure value) compensation
d. Brightness and reflectance
27. What are the basic operating modes of modern digital cameras?
a. Automatic and Manual
b. Program, Aperture Priority, Shutter (time) Priority, and Manual
c. Automatic, Manual, and TTL (through the lens)
d. Portrait, landscape, action, and close-up
28. Slight changes in exposure can.
a. Refine the richness of contrast, make visible objects not appearing in the viewfinder, and eliminate focus problems
b. Never affect depth of field or color rendition because these are unrelated to exposure
c. Refine the richness of color, make visible details that are hidden in highlights and shadows, and create changes in the depth of field
d. Cause the camera to malfunction
29. What is the result of adding a blue-colored filter to the camera’s lens when photographing in black and white (monochrome)?
a. Nothing changes because the image is photographed in black and white.
b. Blue subjects become darker than they would naturally appear
c. Red subjects become lighter than they would naturally appear
d. Blue subjects become lighter than they would naturally appear
30. A photographer is working a night time scene and has recorded a properly exposed image at ISO 400, f/8, for 4 s but wishes to have a much longer exposure in order to have time to add some electronic flash into the background. What would be the proper reciprocal exposure values?
a. ISO 100, f/22, at 2 min
b. ISO 100, f16, at 30 s
c. ISO 400, f/8, at Bulb
d. ISO 800, f/16, 1 min